Deputy Mayor
Ralph, Councillors:
Thank you
for allowing me this opportunity to speak to what I believe is a grave concern
for our local community of Tavistock.
That is your proposal to create angle parking spaces on the east side of
Maria St. butting up to our infamous 5
corners intersection. As someone who is
concerned with all aspects of safety in our community, I don’t know how
to say it, other than this is a “no brainer”.
This intersection is already a challenge at the best of times and now,
from my perspective…and the perspective of many others, you are only adding
fuel to the fire for a deadly accident to occur.
Mayor McKay if you had your trucked parked in the first space, and Councillor
Lawry you had your truck parked in the second space. Then Mrs. Smith who has had her car parked
next attempts to leave and begins to back out.
There is no way she can see oncoming traffic until she is clear
of those trucks. And chances are one of
those lights have turned green and another vehicle or two is heading south on
Maria. When he/she sees Mrs. Smith
coming out there is nowhere to go. Your
trucks are on their left and other vehicles are parked on the west side. Did Mrs. Smith cause the accident? Did your trucks that were obscuring the view
cause the accident? In all fairness I
would say “no”. It was caused by poorly
planned parking and traffic flow. I
have heard that a comment was made that speed bumps would slow down traffic on
Maria. I beg to differ. From my perspective speed bumps will only
cause rear-end collisions right at the intersection.
Sometimes we
don’t have choices as to how things are done (legislation, existing laws, etc.)
but in this case you DO have a choice.
You CAN revert back to the parallel parking that currently exists. Common sense must prevail. The plan that currently exists is not all flawed. The barricade at the south end of the one-way
section does need to be improved. It is
amazing how many strangers (at least I hope it is strangers) drive right into
that one-way section the wrong way, and proceed to the lights. Your proposal to improve that point of exit
from the one-way section is much appreciated.
So my big
question is WHY are you so driven to put in angle parking? We have been told that it is to increase
parking in the down-town core. And yet no
studies have been done to substantiate this.
A number of different residents recorded the parking situation on both
Maria St. and Woodstock St. South for approximately 1 week. As you have seen there was no time when
parking was not available in either of these areas. In fact since the first week in July when a
couple of vehicles who would park there for basically the full work day have
discontinued doing that, the Maria St. one-way section has been used primarily
for what it was intended…a 15 minute stop… get the mail, maybe pick up a
prescription and then drive on.
And on this
issue of more parking. If I may be so
bold as to say…I think you have the cart before the horse here. I think the community would be better
served if the money and effort was put into working collaboratively with
the local businesses that are here now, and to attract new business. Tavistock has a Chamber of Commerce. To me this would be the foundation that you
would start with. Build the business
sector, be creative, be welcoming…..or by gosh, you can forget about needing any
In the past
month I have had many residents speak to me on the street or call me at
home. All of these residents were saying
basically the same thing. Angle parking
on Maria St. is not what they want to see.
It is an accident waiting to happen.
are frustrated. Many throw up their
hands in disgust. They are tired of not
being listened to or even consulted in a timely manner – before decisions have
already been made. They are tired of
attending “Community Consultations” where they only appear to be a political,
procedural “required to do”. They are
tired of calling their local Councillors and not having their calls returned. We are tired of hearing all too often “if you
don’t like the decision you can always appeal”.
None of us
here today are naive enough to think that the job you have to do is an easy
task. It is not. But only by being more open, transparent and
working together will we be able to improve this relationship and improve and
enhance our township for those who follow us.
1, 2012
Why was
angle parking considered in the first place?
How many
parking violations have been issued in Tavistock in the last 2 years? And where specifically in Tavistock were
those tickets issued?
Will you
consider having open discussions (not in Closed Session) on how to improve
communication with the rate payers of EZT?
Could that agenda include topics such as: sharing long term visions; increasing
the utilization of electronic input/feedback;
how to actively engage local existing organizations & service
clubs; improving EZTalk, that I believe
is sent to every household in EZT, that people want to open and not see the
same old, same old (I’m sure a lot of staff hours are put into creating this,
but it could incorporate more relevant and current information)?
Following her
presentation Shirley Hanlon presented petitions with a total of 111
signatures. Combined with what was
delivered to the Municipal Office on July 13/12 would now make a total of 281
ratepayers expressing their opposition to angle parking.
As well,
parking utilization on Maria St. for three more days following the submission
of July 13/12 was also submitted.