Thursday, 5 July 2012

Letter to the Editor

Hi All,

Here is a letter to the Editor that I just sent to a number of local newspapers:

"Dear Editor,

Subject: East-Zorra Tavistock Councilors Fail to Listen to the Residents of Tavistock

It is with dismay that this letter is written. It is both unfortunate and unbelievable that we the residents of Tavistock have to resort to this form of communication to get our point across to the Council of East-Zorra Tavistock. 

This action is prompted by events that started almost two years ago, when our council announced that they had sold the Tavistock Public Library to a private citizen of Plattsville (not even a resident of our community) for a measly $10,000. What's more is that this announcement came at the meeting immediately following the Ontario Municipal elections... perfect timing, no need for explanation during elections and still able to secure a chair on council. If the township Council had put that building on the open market it could have certainly brought at least $150,000. So, the Council cost the tax payer at least $140,000. 

Then, there were then a series public meetings and issues brought before Council regarding the Library and these actions served to delay the start of the construction on the old Library building. 

Now just recently, a plan was put forth by the Council to spend $600,000 to create 11 angled parking spots and 3 parallel parking spots. There are numerous safety issues with this parking, first of which is that the only way of getting to safety from the angled spots is to cross a busy street. Secondly, there is barely enough room between the angled spots and the parallel spots to avoid parking collisions. Additionally, backing out of the first parking spot could cause the driver to back into traffic on Hope Street. The wheelchair parking spot will require that passengers (including those with disabilities) on the drivers side get out of the car onto the road. Another safety issue is that this is the main access for feed trucks traveling to the feed mill. Besides all of the safety issues, the parking just happens to be within a short walk of the Library, what a coincidence. The Library, which was next to given away, is now getting free parking at the cost of the tax payers of East-Zorra Tavistock. 

On Friday of the July long weekend, more than 30 residents of Tavistock gathered to rally against the project and to save the beautiful tree that would have to be cut down for the project. The rally lasted a couple of hours and there was great support from passing motorists. 

Then at the most recent Town Council meeting, Deputy Mayor Maureen Ralph put forth a motion to stop the angled parking project, seconded by Don McDonald. However, that would be the only two supporters of the motion and the motion was defeated 5-2 (Don McKay, Linda Fulton, Clive Lawry, Don Lazenby and Jeremy Smith voted against this motion). Within an hour of that meeting, the tree was removed. 

It is clear to us, the residents of Tavistock, that those Councilors that should be representing the interests of the residents for which they are Councilors are indeed not representing our interests. The majority of the residents do not support angled parking at a cost of $600,000. So, why is the Council moving forward, what can we do? Well, we need to take a stand and send our concerns to (sending an email to this address will send directly to all Councilors of East-Zorra Tavistock).

To see the full plans of the project, pictures of the safety issues and details as they happen on this (and other important projects), go to

Yours sincerely,
Jon Ross
Resident of Tavistock"


  1. Very good, lets start emailing councilors. Bob Routly

  2. Good Letter Jon, Waiting to read your thoughts on the "Royal Reno".


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