Good Afternoon,
Mr Mayor, Councilors Smith, Lazenby and particularily Councilors Lawry and Fulton, I am truly disappointed with you. Over the last month the Residents of Tavistock have made an attempt to get through to you and communicate what the residents of Tavistock desire for Maria street. There was a Rally in which more than 30 East Zorra Tavistock residents attended, there were 170 signatures collected in just 3 and half days by folks that work all day, and there are more signatures to deliver today, and of the signatures that I collected only 2 refused because they never sign petitions, there have been several articles in the newspaper, several letters to the editor, numerous on-line blog postings,
phone calls, emails to all Councilors, there was even a motion and seconder to abolish this project and now there are residents here in front of you to communicate a single message "TAVISTOCK DOES NOT WANT ANGLED PARKING!!!".
We the residents of East Zorra Tavistock have been trying every means of communication to tell you that we DO NOT WANT ANGLED PARKING and yet you do not hear us. We are the rate payers, you are our representatives, it is your job and responsibility to listen to our concerns and act accordingly particularly when you have such an overwhelming number of residents telling you so by all communication means available.
The residents of Tavistock DO NOT WANT angled parking on Maria street for several reasons, including:
- Angled parking is unsafe.
- The parking spaces on Maria street are rarely all taken and even when they are, the extra distance to walk from an available parking spot is insignificant.
- This project is a misuse of tax dollars that could otherwise be spent on things the community actually needs.
- There is no enforcement of the two hour limit on Maria street and so we would expect that residents of near by properties may use this parking for residential parking, i.e. residents and visitors to the library apartments and we do not want that.
- The feed trucks that use Maria street to access the feed mill will subject Post Office users to greater risk because of visibility issues with angled parking.
- The plan provides no sidewalk in front of the angled parking so that folks can access the cross walk and cross the street safely. This demonstrates that the Township expects the users of the angled parking to cross the street no matter where they park. By creating that situation, the township would be liable damages if an accident were to occur as a result of the angled parking.
Furthermore, with respect to the vote against the motion by Ralph, seconded by McDonald, I am appalled and disgusted with the way in which you excercised your might and power to demonstrate to the residents that you call the shots and that you are the all mighty council of East Zorra Tavistock by cutting down that tree within 60 minutes of the decision.
To summarize my thoughts, I would like to state:
- You are creating something Tavistock doesn't need, that is unsafe and at a significant cost to the tax payers of Tavistock.
- You represent the people of Tavistock, yet you don't listen to them.
- You know it is OK to change your mind, it is NOT a weakness, it shows that you have compassion and an open mind.
- You best think about how you handle this situation, we are here to be heard and to listen, if you go into a closed session after this to discuss amongst yourselves, it will NOT look good!!!
In closing, I have several questions that I would like you a a Council to answer:
- Are you willing to take personal responsibility for property that is damaged because of an accident that results from the angled parking, because I as a tax payer refuse to allow my taxes to pay for your bad judgement.
- Are you willing to take personal responsibility for injuries that that occur because of an accident that results from the angled parking, because I as a tax payer refuse to allow my taxes to pay for your bad judgement.
- How can you call yourselves representatives of East Zorra Tavistock when you do not heed the wishes of the tax payers you represent?
- Why do you insist on spending our tax dollars to fund a project that doesn't serve any residents of Tavistock?
- Why, with all of the opposition, from the tax payers of East Zorra Tavistock, are o moving forward with a this project?
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