Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Council Meeting... What may result???

East Zorra Tavistock Council agreed to allow four members of the community to address Council today at 1:30 PM. However, unfortunately, Mayor McKay and Councilor Smith were not in attendance for the Community address. Chad Breyer (resident whose property borders the angled parking), Bill Gladding (Resident and Owner of the Tavistock Gazette), Shirley Hanlon (Resident and Community Activist) and Jon ross  (Resident and Community Activist) all took 5 minutes to address the Councilors in attendance (Lazenby, McDonald, Ralph, Fulton and Lawry). So each of the four residents took their 5 minutes and addressed the Council (each of the speeches will be posted here). Upon completion of the four presentations, Maureen Ralph asked Council if they'd like to ask any questions of the speakers and there was silence. Maureen Ralph then asked Council if they'd like to take any action based on the presentations and again, there was silence. Then Ralph asked if Council would like to just accept it as information. Ralph then noted that the Council would answer the questions asked of them and get back to the speakers.

So, the long and short of it is that the Council has done nothing so far, is doing nothing now and may still do nothing. However, we the residents and tax payers have given them every opportunity to do something... Let's see if they have it in them to do the right thing, we have done all that we can!

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