Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Resident's Concerns

I've been visiting Residents for the last four days and here are some of the things that I've heard:
- A Resident on Roth street would like to see Tavistock invest in the downtown to give a personality
- A number of Residents (particularly those with 2 or less members of their home) would like to see a reduced rate on their water service because their usage is much less than that of a family of 5
- Residents on the South end of Centennial avenue are concerned with the drainage of storm water from the new sub division. They have complained to their Council members, left messages but no one has gotten back to them
- Another Resident on Liebler avenue suggested that Recycle pickup be changed to weekly as demand has increased over the years.
- However, the overwhelming concern almost all members of the Community are with the sale of the library for 10,000 and the cost of the Pavillion project which is estimated at a total of $1.4 million... Shakespeare built theirs for $189,000
Feel free to send me any issues that you are having and I will put them on my list of business to address.

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