Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Handling of Ballots by Candidates Endorsed by the Township Office

In politics there are rules and laws. And not all of the laws are cut and dry, however morals and common sense come into play. 

In the 2010 municipal election held in East-Zorra Tavistock township there were some practices conducted by one of the incumbent candidates that resulted in a successful campaign. In 2010 East-Zorra Tavistock township used the "vote by mail" method of voting in order to increase voter turn out which successfully did bring out more voters. However, in the final days of the election, the successful incumbent candidate and his representatives called numerous voters to offer the service of carrying their vote to the township office. So the incumbent Candidate and his representatives handled several votes directly. This creates an opportunity for ballots to be lost or destroyed. Now I am not accusing the incumbent of doing so, but when the vote is in the possession of a Candidate, the opportunity is there and that's just not right. Not only did the incumbent handle votes, but the township office actually directed voters to call the incumbent to bring their votes to the township office. These actions violate the Municipal elections act of 1996 section 89 and therefore should not be permitted. See the snippet of the act below:

The Municipal Elections Act, 1996
Section 89 Offences 
     (j) delivers to the deputy returning officer to be placed in a ballot box a paper other than the ballot the deputy returning officer gave him or her;
     (k) takes a ballot away from the voting place;
     (l) at an election, takes, opens or otherwise deals with a ballot, a ballot box, or a book or package of ballots without having authority to do so;

Both after the 2010 election and when I submitted my nomination for the current election I asked that the Clerk of the township please direct all Candidates to halt this activity. However, the response from the township was unfortunate, see below: 
"Delivery of Return Envelopes 
• Concerns surfaced after the 2010 Election that candidates delivered Return Envelopes to the Township Office on Voting Day. Several candidates asked the same question when they registered for the 2014 Election.
• There is nothing in the Township Election Policy & Procedures that precludes a candidate from delivering Return Envelopes during the day on Voting Day if they are requested to do so by a voter.
• The Township strives to run an Election that is fair and accessible to all voters. In staff’s opinion, how each voter and candidate handles such requests is at their own discretion. "

Now, I ask you, is this a reasonable position for the Township to take? Is it acceptable that any Candidate handle anyone's ballot other than their own? I think not, this opens up the opportunity for Candidates to mishandle a ballot. It is a complete violation of not only the The Municipal Elections Act, 1996 but it is unethical. Who's to say that every one of those votes make it to the township office? It's just not right!

As a Candidate for the position of Councillor Ward 1 in the coming Municipal election I am asking you send a request to the Municipality of East-Zorra Tavistock and ask that they do the right thing and instruct all Candidates to not conduct in delivery of voter ballots other than their own ballot.

Resident's Concerns

I've been visiting Residents for the last four days and here are some of the things that I've heard:
- A Resident on Roth street would like to see Tavistock invest in the downtown to give a personality
- A number of Residents (particularly those with 2 or less members of their home) would like to see a reduced rate on their water service because their usage is much less than that of a family of 5
- Residents on the South end of Centennial avenue are concerned with the drainage of storm water from the new sub division. They have complained to their Council members, left messages but no one has gotten back to them
- Another Resident on Liebler avenue suggested that Recycle pickup be changed to weekly as demand has increased over the years.
- However, the overwhelming concern almost all members of the Community are with the sale of the library for 10,000 and the cost of the Pavillion project which is estimated at a total of $1.4 million... Shakespeare built theirs for $189,000
Feel free to send me any issues that you are having and I will put them on my list of business to address.
Here are instructions for how to Vote by Mail. But don't let a Candidate handle your vote. Last election there were calls made and Votes taken by a Candidate to the Township building. However, if you need a ride there to drop off your vote, I'd be more than happy to arrange that for you!
Vote for the good of the Community!
Here is an article posted on Heart FM regarding an interview that I had with them last week:


Monday, 22 September 2014

So it is election time again.

Feel free to post comments about what you want to see from your future Council.

If elected I will:

Make responsible decisions:
- Fiscal responsibility
- Residents’ concerns
- Community needs

Act honestly and transparently:
- Keep you informed via internet blog
- Open door policy (104 Hope St East)
- Ask you what you want and act on it!

- Ask you for your input
- Respond to your emails (jon@votejonross.com)
- Listen to your requests (519-502-3995)

As I visit the community, I will post any comments about what I am hearing from the residents of Tavistock.