Thursday, 23 October 2014

The time to get your ballots in is getting shorter. 

You have until 8:00 pm on Monday, October 27, 2014 to get your ballot to the Township office. 

I will be available all day until the poles close on Monday, October 27, 2014 to provide you (or a proxy of your choice) a ride to the township office to deliver your ballot. Call or text me @ 519-502-3995 to arrange getting your ballot to the township office.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

What can be done about the traffic lights?

Some have said… they're impossible to fix, but I think that there are things that could be done differently to improve traffic flow while still maintaining the safer pedestrian crossing feature. We could:
1. Widen hope street west by moving back part of the triangular island in front of Home Hardware to install a left turn lane. Then allow both east and west hope street to go at the same time. In order to get left turn traffic through, we could provide an advanced and/or delayed green.
2. Allow both directions of Woodstock street to go at the same time with an advanced green for north direction traffic turning left.
3. Install a right turn signal for hope street east traffic and permit right turns when it does not impede Woodstock south traffic and when the pedestrians are not walking.
4. Paint lines in front of the post office to prevent motorists from thinking the parking lane is a right turn lane.
5. Install sensors to detect the absence of cars and skip the street if there aren't any cars. And if there are a lot of cars, give that street more time for traffic to get through (if this is possible).
Now, these are just ideas that I have, however as a responsible decision maker and being someone that LISTENS, I would ask you for your ideas and comments on these ideas and all future ideas....

Speak your mind, tell us what you think.... if you'd rather not post on a public forum, send me a private message and I'll post it anonymously for you.

October 15 Council Meeting

Just got back from the Council meeting. 32 minutes and it was all done.
Topics included:
 - They passed a motion to accept the agreement between the Townships of East-Zorra Tavistock, Norwich, Southwest Oxford and Zorra. The agreement was put in place to establish an agreement for the funding and support of the Rural Oxford Economic Development Corporation (ROEDC)
 - Burnside engineering presented a report on the Goring drain project which is a drain project located mostly on the Pioneer seeds property on highway 59
 - Tenders for snow removal in Tavistock were discussed and a motion was passed to accept two of the tenders.
 - There was a closed session as well, but who knows what happened during that part of the meeting.

Must be less to do this close to election time.

Any questions about what happened let me know of contact your Councillor with questions.


Thursday, 9 October 2014

Candidates Night

Candidates night was a success.

A big thank you to the Men's Club for organizing the evening, it makes a difference when you can get a forum of public opinion together to ask such great questions.

And thank you to all of the residents that attended, it is participation of the public in events like this that help to shape the future of our great Community.

I look forward to reading about it in the Tavistock Gazette!

Feel free to add your comments and thoughts on the evening.



Hi All,

When casting your ballot, be sure that you only put one X beside a Candidates name. Putting any marks outside of the box will result in a spoiled ballot and your vote will not be counted.


Wednesday, 8 October 2014


Another concern of Hope Street residents is the traffic. I too live on Hope street east and find that the traffic does seem to drive faster than they should.
The Renaissance (home to 52 people) has a big concern, there is a large seam in the road that causes large trucks to bang loudly as they pass the apartment building. Truck traffic tends to travel Hope street through Tavistock at all hours of the day. This creates a problem for residents to get a good nights sleep as they are often woke from the noise caused from the imperfection in the road.
What about installing radar driven LED signs to encourage traffic to slow down as they enter the village. And why not install them at both ends of Hope and Woodstock streets?
What about establishing a permanent truck route for trucks sending them down the 16th and up Maplewood sideroad and to Embro road where trucks heading towards Stratford could turn right, trucks travelling to the 401 could turn left and trucks traveling towards St. Marys & London could carry on straight.
And lastly, it would be interesting to find out what the cost would be to smooth out the bump in the road to eliminate the noise that is caused from the trucks hitting the join in the two road surfaces.

Any Questions or Concerns?

I've covered almost all of Tavistock. Talked with a lot of residents. If you want me to stop to discuss any issues or the campaign that I'm running, please call me @ 519-502-3995 or send me a message to

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Introducing Our Tavistock - A Forum for Collaborating About a Great Community

Hi All, 

While I was out talking with residents this evening, I talked with one resident that indicated the blog name of gave the impression that Tavistock is a Community that needs fixing. It was not my intention to paint Tavistock as a broken Community. I love Tavistock and truly believe that it is a great Community. Therefore, I have decided to rename that blog to something that is more representative of the intention of the blog. The intention of that blog was to provide the Community with a forum where residents can let their voice be heard as well as learn about important issues facing the Community. Therefore, I have created this new blog  titled "Our Tavistock".

Let's all use this new blog to post not just the issues, but to post articles about positive things happening in the Community.

Tavistock is a great place to live, work and play!

Best Regards,
Jon Ross

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Handling of Ballots by Candidates Endorsed by the Township Office

In politics there are rules and laws. And not all of the laws are cut and dry, however morals and common sense come into play. 

In the 2010 municipal election held in East-Zorra Tavistock township there were some practices conducted by one of the incumbent candidates that resulted in a successful campaign. In 2010 East-Zorra Tavistock township used the "vote by mail" method of voting in order to increase voter turn out which successfully did bring out more voters. However, in the final days of the election, the successful incumbent candidate and his representatives called numerous voters to offer the service of carrying their vote to the township office. So the incumbent Candidate and his representatives handled several votes directly. This creates an opportunity for ballots to be lost or destroyed. Now I am not accusing the incumbent of doing so, but when the vote is in the possession of a Candidate, the opportunity is there and that's just not right. Not only did the incumbent handle votes, but the township office actually directed voters to call the incumbent to bring their votes to the township office. These actions violate the Municipal elections act of 1996 section 89 and therefore should not be permitted. See the snippet of the act below:

The Municipal Elections Act, 1996
Section 89 Offences 
     (j) delivers to the deputy returning officer to be placed in a ballot box a paper other than the ballot the deputy returning officer gave him or her;
     (k) takes a ballot away from the voting place;
     (l) at an election, takes, opens or otherwise deals with a ballot, a ballot box, or a book or package of ballots without having authority to do so;

Both after the 2010 election and when I submitted my nomination for the current election I asked that the Clerk of the township please direct all Candidates to halt this activity. However, the response from the township was unfortunate, see below: 
"Delivery of Return Envelopes 
• Concerns surfaced after the 2010 Election that candidates delivered Return Envelopes to the Township Office on Voting Day. Several candidates asked the same question when they registered for the 2014 Election.
• There is nothing in the Township Election Policy & Procedures that precludes a candidate from delivering Return Envelopes during the day on Voting Day if they are requested to do so by a voter.
• The Township strives to run an Election that is fair and accessible to all voters. In staff’s opinion, how each voter and candidate handles such requests is at their own discretion. "

Now, I ask you, is this a reasonable position for the Township to take? Is it acceptable that any Candidate handle anyone's ballot other than their own? I think not, this opens up the opportunity for Candidates to mishandle a ballot. It is a complete violation of not only the The Municipal Elections Act, 1996 but it is unethical. Who's to say that every one of those votes make it to the township office? It's just not right!

As a Candidate for the position of Councillor Ward 1 in the coming Municipal election I am asking you send a request to the Municipality of East-Zorra Tavistock and ask that they do the right thing and instruct all Candidates to not conduct in delivery of voter ballots other than their own ballot.

Resident's Concerns

I've been visiting Residents for the last four days and here are some of the things that I've heard:
- A Resident on Roth street would like to see Tavistock invest in the downtown to give a personality
- A number of Residents (particularly those with 2 or less members of their home) would like to see a reduced rate on their water service because their usage is much less than that of a family of 5
- Residents on the South end of Centennial avenue are concerned with the drainage of storm water from the new sub division. They have complained to their Council members, left messages but no one has gotten back to them
- Another Resident on Liebler avenue suggested that Recycle pickup be changed to weekly as demand has increased over the years.
- However, the overwhelming concern almost all members of the Community are with the sale of the library for 10,000 and the cost of the Pavillion project which is estimated at a total of $1.4 million... Shakespeare built theirs for $189,000
Feel free to send me any issues that you are having and I will put them on my list of business to address.
Here are instructions for how to Vote by Mail. But don't let a Candidate handle your vote. Last election there were calls made and Votes taken by a Candidate to the Township building. However, if you need a ride there to drop off your vote, I'd be more than happy to arrange that for you!
Vote for the good of the Community!
Here is an article posted on Heart FM regarding an interview that I had with them last week:

Monday, 22 September 2014

So it is election time again.

Feel free to post comments about what you want to see from your future Council.

If elected I will:

Make responsible decisions:
- Fiscal responsibility
- Residents’ concerns
- Community needs

Act honestly and transparently:
- Keep you informed via internet blog
- Open door policy (104 Hope St East)
- Ask you what you want and act on it!

- Ask you for your input
- Respond to your emails (
- Listen to your requests (519-502-3995)

As I visit the community, I will post any comments about what I am hearing from the residents of Tavistock.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Important Notice About Hope Street in Tavistock!!

Hi Friends,
We have just learned some disturbing news in regards to plans that Oxford County has for Hope St. E.  This has been confirmed by Frank at Oxford County Road.  Apparently the trucks have been hitting the manholes on the street and they now want to remove ALL parking on Hope St E and shift the lanes over from the center.  If you look at the manholes - some are in the middle and some are on the side.  So even without parking, there will still be manholes being hit - so what is the benefit in this?  We have been told they are taking surveys to see how many cars actually park on the street - at 9:00am and 3:00pm, Monday to Friday (when everyone is at work - they need to look on the weekends)!  When asked about where residents are to park - we were told we all have driveways - so no more family gatherings.  The other alternative is to park on a side street.  Really??  Have they seen the side streets?  Most of them are far too narrow to hold an overflow of parking.
What about our children?  The trucks will now be driving that much closer to the curb of the road and make it that much easier for someone to get hurt. They have said they will put in bike lanes - but I believe that makes an even greater chance of an accident happening.
We have been told by Frank, that he believes a public meeting could be called to discuss this if enough people called about it.  Don McKay says he has only heard from 5 people on Hope St and wants to hear from the other hundred.
If you are opposed to this happening - please call Frank at Oxford County Road at 1-800-755-0394 ext 3120 and call Don McKay at 519-532-2500.  Please be sure to call both.  Even if you don't live on Hope St E - call!!  Who knows how long until they want to do something like this to another street. We must stand together!
Please forward this email to anyone else who needs to know what is happening!
Julie Kimpel 
Avon Representative

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Latest Letter to Coucil

Subject: Evidence of Our Claims


After only two weeks of the new Maria street being open, there is already evidence that safety is going to be an issue. Notice on the image below that there are tire marks on the sidewalk indicating that trucks have a tight turn and that there is not enough room. Add this to all of the other factors that have already been communicated to you and you have a recipe for problems. It really is unfortunate that you were unable to realize this issue previously and do something about it before you wasted tax dollars. However, you can still change it back and make it safe again.

I hope you plan to fix this issue before someone is hurt.

Jon Ross

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Royal Reno Letter to Council


There are a number of concerns with the "Royal Reno" project, all of which have been previously communicated to the "Royal Reno" Committee to no avail. 

The first and most important area of concern is the safety of the proposed entrance to the park. The numerous issues with safety are as follows:
  • The new entrance is right on the bend of Decew street.
  • The new entrance is just meters from the intersection of Decew street and Minerva street.
  • Decew  street is a busy street with traffic to and from the arena, soccer fields, memorial hall, medical centre and the school.
  • There is no sidewalk and no provision for a sidewalk on the South side of the street.
  • There is no provision for a cross walk for pedestrians to cross to the nearest sidewalk.
  • There is no provision for bicycles to travel to and from the park.
Imagine for a moment a summer night, one baseball game is ending, another is about to begin and a soccer game just ends. Cars are dropping off and picking up ball players, some ball players are leaving or arriving by bicycle and some on foot, soccer parents pick up their children and travel to and from the soccer field via Decew and Minerva. Cars, bicycles and pedestrians will all be travelling that area at the same time and our children have no way to leave the park safely. This is clearly a SERIOUS HAZARD for our children. Can you the Council, the "Royal Reno" Committee and the Engineers not see this? A better place for a new entrance would be to create an entrance at the south-east corner of park onto Wellington street.  

The second major concern is that the majority of the Community does not want or need a 1 Million dollar outdoor building. If you don't believe me, simply ask around Tavistock and you will see very quickly that it is not wanted. Furthermore the project is not needed as we don't currently have high demand for the current Pavilions. Sure, you have plenty of groups that agreed that they might use the building in the future, but that does not mean to say that they would not also use the existing facilities. And yes, the old Pavilion in Queens Park could use a face lift or could stand to be replaced, but can we not come up with a different plan with a more reasonable cost?

Furthermore, the results of the survey actually illustrate a different picture than what was designed and what is being built. The data that is in the "Royal Reno" report of the most recent EZT Agenda shows that the most requested first selection in the survey is a Splash Pad and it received the second most votes overall (second only to "Picnic Area" which we already have in our current Parks and Pavilions). There were also many votes for other "non-pavilion" items such as a Public Pool, a Skate Park and New Playground Equipment, all of which are not included in the "Royal Reno" project. These items account for 47% of the first choice of those surveyed. This makes me wonder if the Committee was even working on the right project in the first place as almost half of the first choices are not Pavilion related at all. What's more is that all of the other items noted in that Survey already exist with our current Pavilions in Tavistock. 

I urge you as a Council to reconsider your decision and act with FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY and delay this project until it can be designed safer, reduced in scope and address the actual desires of the Community. If you were to scale back, include a Splash Pad and new Playground equipment in this project, I am sure that you would have great support for this project!!!

I'll finish with a very applicable quote “What is right is often forgotten by what is convenient.” ― Bodie Thoene.

Jon Ross
104 Hope Street East
Tavistock, Ontario

Answers (not great answers) To Our Delegation

Angle Parking Delegation – Questions

The following responses were prepared by Jeff Carswell, CAO, Township of East Zorra- Tavistock based on direction given at the August 1, 2012 Council Meeting.

Shirley Hanlon Questions
Why was angle parking considered in the first place?
Angle parking in this area would create more parking spaces than parallel parking. With roadwork planned for this area, improving the parking area and increasing the number of spaces available in the downtown core was a logical idea that could be implemented at very little additional cost, if completed in conjunction with the
road work.

How many parking violations have been issued in Tavistock in the last 2 years? And where specifically in Tavistock were those tickets issued?
16 tickets have been issued. 3 relate to parking issues in front of Tim Hortons and the balance are related to parking overnight in the winter on residential streets.

Will you consider having open discussions (not in closed session) on how to improve communication with the rate payers of EZT?
Improving communications with ratepayers would not be a topic eligible for
discussion by Council in closed session. Council could provide direction to staff for
changes to procedures and protocols related to providing information to the public;
however, the Township currently does more than the “bare minimum” when
providing information. As with any Township service and program, staff attempt to
make continuous improvements and take advantage of best practices in the industry
across all Township activities.

Chad Breyer Questions
What is going on with parking enforcement?
Parking restrictions can be enforced by the Township’s by-law enforcement officer or the OPP. Parking enforcement activities tend to focus on areas that affect safety (trucks parked on the road in front of Tim Hortons) and operational matters (parking overnight during the winter). Staff will also investigate complaints about parking and will provide information about parking restrictions, warnings and/or tickets if required.

What are the parking restrictions now and in the future?
Current parking regulations
15 min parking on Maria St, West side – Hope to Decew
2 hr parking on Maria St, West side – Decew to Adam
2 hr paking on Maria St, East side – Hope to Decew
No Parking on Maria St, East side – Decew to Adam
There are not currently any proposals before Council to change the parking restrictions. After streets are reconstructed, PW staff will often review the area and make recommendations for changes. Any changes to parking would require Council to pass a by-law.

Where and who has the survey of my property?
The Township does not maintain individual property surveys. The Township does get copies of planning documents, reference plans and other survey information; however, this would not be the same as a “property survey” for your own use. If you wish to obtain a survey of your property, you would need to engage an Ontario Land Surveyor.

How will this reconstruction impact my property? (Property value & safety for my family)
The Township has offered to work with you on fencing and landscaping options that would help to improve the safety and appearance in this area. The new curbing in this area will be a barrier curb which would provide better protection over the existing roll-over type that is currently there. Having this area properly designed as a one-way street with clearly defined entrance and exit points, parking and traffic control will be an improvement over the current two-way street design being used as a one-way street 

How and why could the tree be removed within an hour of the Council meeting on July 4th? I don’t think there are many residents who have not come to the realistic conclusion that this was a pre-planned decision with tree removal waiting on speed dial. Council accepted the tender for this project at the June 6, 2012 Council meeting.
The staff report recommending the project included a letter raising concerns about the parking plans. Council approved the project, which included the angle parking and tree removal. With this approval, staff were given direction to proceed with the project as approved. On July 2nd, 2012 a request from Deputy Mayor Ralph was received, requesting that the angle parking matter be placed on the July 4th, 2012 Council agenda. The PW Manager advised the CAO that the contractor had started the project and tree removal was scheduled for the first part of the week. Recognizing that there could be a change in parking that could remove the requirement to remove the tree, the PW Manager requested the tree contractor to hold off until after Council gave the matter more consideration. Once the matter was decided by Council, the PW Manager advised the contractor to proceed with the tree removal. The contractor was in Tavistock on July 4th and removed the tree.

Jon Ross Questions
Are you willing to take personal responsibility for property that is damaged because of an accident that results from the angled parking, because I as a tax payer refuse to allow my taxes to pay for your bad judgement.
This question would need to be answered individually. From the overall Township perspective, there are many potential liabilities that the Township is exposed to. As such, the Township spends a significant amount of time and money reviewing potential risks and implementing appropriate risk minimization activities. The Township also carries a comprehensive municipal liability insurance policy should the risk management activities not be comprehensive enough. This matter is a difficult financial and human resources balance. For example a daily road and sidewalk inspection frequency could reduce the possibility of road and sidewalk accidents and injuries, but a daily inspection program would be cost prohibitive and is not considered the industry norm.

Are you willing to take personal responsibility for injuries that that occur because of an accident that results from the angled parking, because I as a tax payer refuse to allow my taxes to pay for your bad judgement.
Same as first question.

How can you call yourselves representatives of East Zorra Tavistock when you do not heed the wishes of the tax payers you represent?
Each councillor may wish to comment on this question, as there is not likely a single response that could encompass everyone. From a staff perspective, direction is taken from Council as a whole and the votes that take place to make decisions. These decisions provide direction to staff on the projects, programs and services to be offered.
With respect to representative democracy, following is an excerpt that may be relevant:
The one unforgettable incident that convinced me that I could always be well represented by Mr. Halliday occurred at an all-candidates' meeting in Tillsonburg when, in answer to a question on how he would act on an issue, he responded by quoting Edmund Burke's Speech to the Electors of Bristol in 1774, the substance of which described the essence of representative parliamentary democracy (our system of government inherited from our British forebears). Though written from a male perspective, it refers to any person serving the public.
It refers to the principle that a "representative ought to live in close communication with his constituents" and that "their wishes ought to have great weight with him; their opinion, his respect; their business, his
unremitted attention." It is "his duty to sacrifice his pleasures and satisfactions to theirs and prefer their interest to his." But, this must always be balanced by the necessity of "not sacrificing his mature judgment, his
enlightened conscience, to you or any set of men living." In sum, "your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays you, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion".
Taken from a letter to the Editor from Tom Mayberry in the Woodstock Sentinel Review.

Why do you insist on spending our tax dollars to fund a project that doesn't serve any residents of Tavistock?
Based on Council’s direction to proceed with this project, Council must believe that this project does benefit the residents, businesses and visitors to Tavistock. Based on the recorded vote, there are “Councillors” that do not agree with the parking changes, but “Council” as a whole has provided direction to staff to proceed with the project which includes the angle parking.

Why, with all of the opposition, from the tax payers of East Zorra Tavistock, are you moving forward with a this project?
Essentially the same as above.

Bill Gladding
There were several questions interspersed in the statement, but they did not appear to have the same desire for a response, as they appeared to be used to illustrate points in the statement. In any event, following are responses:

Who do we turn to when we disagree with the County on lagoon expansion and expropriation of land from a local farmer?
Communicating with your local representatives and EZT Council would be appropriate courses of action.

Who do we turn to when the traffic is backed up out of town due to construction and there are no police to take control of the situation?
Communicating with your local representatives and EZT Council would be appropriate courses of action.

Who do we turn to when the Township wants to take land away from a new resident to create a parking lot?
Communicating with your local representatives and EZT Council would be appropriate courses of action. Land has not been taken away with the parking changes. To “take” land from Mr. Breyer, the Township would have to purchase the land or go through the expropriation process.

Where is our representation?
I would draw your attention to the above comments on representative democracy.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Safety Issues Compound Each Other

It's been a while, but here is an email that I just sent to Council. Also, the questions that were asked at the last meeting have not yet been answered, it shouldn't take an entire month to answer them. According to Council, they are addressing the questions today at the Council meeting.

Anyway below is the email that I just sent to Council.


It is unfortunate and disappointing that you have now poured the curbs for the angled parking. You have had opportunities since March to correct this safety issue, but now it comes at a greater cost to make the right decision, you'll have to remove the curb that has already been poured. However, now is still not too late to make the right decision but if you leave until the project is finished, then the project to fix the safety issue will cost the tax payers significantly more. 

Another issue that is becoming more and more of a concern for the safety of Tavistock Residents is the intersection of downtown Tavistock. The intention was to make it safer for everyone, but it has done quite the opposite. Now, in order to make it through the 10 second lights, people are racing through yellow and red lights, because otherwise only one truck or two/three cars can make it through. From what I gather that decision was not made because of any study or actual issue, but rather it was done because someone thought it would be a good idea. You should (or have the authorities responsible) return this intersection back to the way that it was until you can have a study done to come up with a safer solution, because what we have now is MORE dangerous.

What is interesting about these two points is that the project to change the lights was done out of a concern for safety when there was not a safety issue. Then the angled parking project was conjured up to address a need for more parking when there is not a need for more parking. What's more is that these two projects together compound the two safety issues into a much greater issue. Vehicles racing through the lights towards the Mill, Medical Clinic, Arena, or School will do so right through the path of cars backing out blindly into those racing to get through the lights. Additionally, this is all going to happen right beside the sidewalk (with no curb) where most children from Tavistock walk to school. Give it some more thought, this summer you have constructed a perfect storm of danger on Maria street. Now is the time to correct this issue. 

Furthermore, right now with the construction on Maria street still going on, children have to navigate missing sidewalks, construction vehicles and other dangers on that street. The timing of that project could not be any worse, you'd have been better to wait until the spring for that project.

Please correct these issues by fixing the lights and removing the angled parking. 

Jon Ross
A Concerned Tavistock Resident

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Letter to Council from Lee Griffi

An open letter to members of East Zorra Tavistock Council

August 10, 2012

Dear Council Members:

It is with great disappointment that I write this letter. I have been a resident of Tavistock for a total of 17 years after moving from Stratford and I have always considere
d the town an incredible place to live for myself and my three children. But after the events of this summer I have become dismayed with not only the decisions made by you, our elected officials, but the lack of respect you show for the ratepayers and concerned citizens of East Zorra Tavistock. Many questions have been asked of you yet we get either no answers or answers that simply put just aren’t good enough.

The purpose of this letter is to hopefully get some real answers. Answers that the taxpayers and residents of Tavistock deserve. I challenge you, our elected officials to step up to the plate and provide us with some honest dialogue. We elected you. We pay your salaries. It’s time to be accountable and honest.

1. The 5-Corner Traffic Lights. Is anyone (East Zorra Tavistock or Oxford County) monitoring the traffic patterns with the new stoplight system? Is there a review planned for the near future and if so why not? The traffic situation has become laughable with long delays on both Woodstock and Hope Street. This will lead to decreased traffic though Tavistock as people become fed up with waiting in long lines and take an alternate route. The result will be less money being spent in Tavistock on gas, food, etc. Haven’t our businesses been hit hard enough with reduced sales because of construction?

2. Hope Street Construction. The project is well behind schedule. Why? Will the contracted company be penalized because they will not be completed on time? Why has calcium chloride not been applied to the road (and surrounding roads) on a regular basis to keep dust under control? I realize this is a County project but I would think at least our Mayor should have these answers.

3. Angled Parking on Maria Street. Mayor McKay you are quoted in the Stratford Gazette as saying that additional parking spaces are needed…to support the businesses and visitors to the retail core. “Are we listening to residents? By all means. We know that there are a few residents who are very upset. We fully understand and appreciate they have some concerns. We would agree to disagree,” you added. How many people exactly have come to you or other members of council and said that Tavistock needs more parking? If the numbers justify it, I am all for a small parking study being done by professionals who do that for a living. My question to council is this. Why are you pushing so hard for a few extra parking spaces that just about no one in Tavistock wants? Petitions have been signed by hundreds of people. Everyone I have spoken to on this issue doesn’t want it and I can tell you it has been talked about very frequently over the past 2 months. So to be quite honest there are more than a few people who are upset. We deserve honest answers to these questions.

Perhaps my greatest disappointment with Council was when you listened to four delegations from concerned residents over the angled parking issue. All four presented intelligent arguments against the project yet not one of you had the common courtesy to say a single word. Quite frankly I was shocked. The people who gathered in that room deserved a little more than your silence. Questions were asked but again, no answers were forthcoming. Shame on you all. This was the perfect opportunity to meaningfully engage ratepayers in a public forum and you chose not to.

I hope that at least a few of you have the courage to respond to my questions and maybe start a good habit of open and honest dialogue. It is your responsibility as OUR elected officials.


Lee Griffi

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Yet another Letter to the editor

Letter to the editor
Angle parking: No one listens

I was in the gallery when presentations regarding the planned angle parking on Maria Street were made by four Tavistock residents at the East Zorra-Tavistock council meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 1. These presentations were made to council as “information only” so members had no obligation to debate the issue with the delegation.
Each of the presenters made a number of points why they believe the planned angle parking will be unsafe. At the end of the presentations, Deputy Mayor Maureen Ralph asked councillors if they had any questions for the delegation members, but they had no questions or comments.

Here was their chance, especially the two Tavistock councillors, to explain to citizens why they feel angle parking is the answer to the problems council says we have in downtown Tavistock. (I actually was unaware we had a parking problem.) Their silence was deafening.
We are not asking council to run a four-lane road up Centennial Drive. We are not asking to move the lagoon to the north end of Tavistock. All we are asking is when the construction work on Maria Street is complete, that the lines painted on the road for parking are parallel not angled to the curb.

The people spoke but unfortunately in this case, no one listened.

Beverly Neeb

Letter provided by Bill Gladding / Tavistock Gazette

Another Letter to the Editor

Letter to the editor

Avoiding Tavistock

For years I have driven through your fine town, over 40 times a year, stopping to purchase gas, groceries, hardware supplies and eat in your restaurants. I am now going to take another route and taking my business to either Stratford or New Hamburg. The ongoing traffic mess due to the construction and how you have chosen to route the detours and time the lights has caused my travel plans to permanently change. In addition, the new parking plans featured on CTV, all say to me it is time to avoid your community for a more transportation-friending municipality. I am also going to recommend avoiding Tavistock to my family and friends. 

Jim Gill
Oakville, Ontario

Letter provided by Bill Gladding / Tavistock Gazette

Friday, 3 August 2012

Local News

Hi All, 

Here is a link to a news spot that talks about the Maria street parking issue. The Mayor is grasping at explanations that make no sense and have not previously been stated to anyone. Maybe if the Mayor was at the Council proceedings in which four residents confronted Council and expressed the reason for the opposition, he could have sounded more like a Mayor that is interested in his area than a politician trying to justify his bad decisions. 

See the report here.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Bill Gladding's Message to Council

Mayor, Councilors, staff and residents -

I have been a proud Tavistock resident nearly all my life.
In contrast to Mr. Breyer, who is a newcomer, I grew up here, went to school here, raised my children here, have worked in Tavistock since 1969, and owned a business since 1988.

But we both share the same feeling about this village. Tavistock residents have become second class citizens. Who do we turn to when we disagree with the County on lagoon expansion and expropriation of land from a local farmer? Who do we turn to when the traffic is backed up out of town due to construction and there are no police to take control of the situation? Who do we turn to when the Township wants to take land away from a new resident to create a parking lot? It seems we are labelled as whiners and complainers, but we live here. 

We see what is happening, minute to minute, hour to hour, and day to day. Where is our representation? When we get the answer that it's "a County issue" or "not our responsibility," it's not acceptable. Council should be making our concerns known to the proper authorities, no matter how trivial the request seems, and whether it's one person or 50.
I'm sure that when you decided to run for Council, you held to the ideal that you could serve your community and be a voice for fellow residents. Get involved in the community and relay our concerns to the Council table. Today, residents feel we have no voice.

As a newspaper editor and publisher, I try to be impartial and look at both sides of the story. What I am observing is a population that wants one thing, but a Council that wants another. The words and ideas of the people are falling on deaf ears. 

During my lifetime there have been controversies, disagreements, and compromises on many different issues in the village. However, this is the first time I have seen residents so frustrated with decision-making, and the lack thereof, that they want to leave the town.
I won't elaborate anymore on what has already been said, but the lagoon, the library, the traffic lights, and the Royal Reno, continue to be sore subjects. The parking issue has just put people over the top. They've had enough, not only with the issues, but in the way residents are being treated.

I congratulate Deputy-Mayor Maureen Ralph and Councillor Don MacDonald for listening to the people and putting forth the motion at the last meeting to rethink the angle parking construction on Maria Street. I am, however, disappointed in our Tavistock Councilors for not supporting their constituents and at least looking into their concerns further. And I am shocked at the actions of Mr. O'Neil cutting down the tree moments after Council's decision. That was simply unnecessary and flies in the face of respect for the community.

Parking for the sake of parking is not a good idea and angle parking on Maria Street is downright ridiculous. Not only will people have trouble backing out onto a busy street, but after parking they will have to cross the same busy street as a pedestrian. You've just doubled the chances of an accident or injury.

Tavistock doesn't need more parking, it needs a more vibrant downtown with no empty stores, attractive streets without weeds, better lighting, more workable traffic signals, and garbage bins that are large enough, emptied regularly, and enough of them in place to handle the need. 
If Council wants to gain back the trust they have so easily let slip away, then it's time to start listening to the people again. 

Thank you for this opportunity to speak.
Bill Gladding, editor/publisher, Tavistock Gazette

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Hi All,

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Article in "The Beacon"

See the latest article on the subject at the Stratford Beacon Harold's website at:

Very good article, it illustrates the real problem with this issue... Council is not listening.
